Introduction to Regression Models and Analysis of Variance
Regression modeling, when used with understanding and care, is one of the most widely useful and powerful tools in the data analyst’s arsenal. This course aims to build both an understanding and facility with the ideas and methods of regression for both observational and experimental data. You will develop competency in choosing the right set of data analysis tools depending on the nature of data along with their limitations.
What you will learn
How to study the relationship between variables
The assumptions underlying regression analysis
How to distinguish between random and fixed variables
How to choose the right statistical model for the data
A post-calculus introductory probability course, e.g. Stanford Course STATS116
Pre- or co- requisite post-calculus mathematical statistics course, e.g. Stanford Course STATS 200
Basic computer programming knowledge
Familiarity with matrix algebra
A conferred Bachelor’s degree with an undergraduate GPA of 3.3 or better.
Topics include
Introduction, summary statistics and simple liner regression
Multiple regression: geometric characterization, goodness of fit, unbiasdness
Inferences, t and F tests
Confidence intervals for prediction
Regression diagnostic
Variable selection
Shrinkage methods
ANOVA: regression based analysis
Modeling and interpretation of data
Course Availability
The course schedule is displayed for planning purposes – courses can be modified, changed, or cancelled. Course availability will be considered finalized on the first day of open enrollment. For quarterly enrollment dates, please refer to our graduate education section.