Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies

The field of blockchain and cryptocurrency is skyrocketing. From digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, to decentralized applications like DeFi, NFTs, and decentralized exchanges, the potential for blockchain and cryptocurrencies is enormous.

This course will cover the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, including distributed consensus, smart contracts, economics, scalability, and applications. You will learn how these systems work and how to engineer secure software that interacts with a blockchain system like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

  • Grasp technical aspects and details of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technologies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, DAPPs, and Decentralized Finance
  • Engineer secure software that interacts with the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains
  • Ensure trust and security of your blockchain systems using appropriate distributed consensus protocols
  • Build smart contracts with the Solidity Program language for the Ethereum blockchain
  • Understand the value of stablecoin, oracles, and decentralized exchanges

Course Page
Online, self-paced
120 hours
Stanford School of Engineering