A Crash Course in AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is in the news daily. This course will provide a high-level overview of AI techniques. Through pre-built hands-on exercises, we will discuss how current AI platforms compare with how the brain works and how AI systems actually “learn.” Specifically, we will cover neural networks and their applicability to generative AI and large language models. We will also discuss the societal and ethical issues surrounding the real-world applications of AI. By the end of the course, students will understand how AI techniques work so they can (1) converse with AI practitioners and companies; (2) be able to critically evaluate AI news stories and technologies; and (3) consider what the future of AI can hold and what barriers need to be overcome with current AI models. This course is ideal for product managers who interact with data scientists, software engineers who wish for more AI exposure, and anyone in the general public who wants to know how current AI works.

Ronjon Nag
Adjunct Professor in Genetics, Stanford School of Medicine; Visiting Fellow, Stanford Center for the Study of Language and Information; President, R42 Group
Artem A. Trotsyuk
GSK.ai Ethics Fellow, Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford School of Medicine


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Online, instructor-led
Feb 5 - Mar 18, 2024
Stanford Continuing Studies